8 Logistics Management Processes to Perfect Your Supply Chain

No matter what kind of business you’re in, if you have a supply chain then it’s vital that you have a system of logistics management processes to guide how that chain runs.

Without set, trackable methods for ordering and managing stock, fulfilling customer orders, inspecting your facilities and so on, you’re leaving the success of your business (and the level of waste) up to random human error.

“One participant described a customer who used air freight for items that went into long-term inventory. Another recounted how individuals ordered 100 units of a product which they had not even used 30 units of in the previous year. Uncoordinated buying led to different groups in the same facility paying different prices for the same goods and ordering uneconomically small quantities.” – MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, A Sickly Supply Chain

To stop this kind of inefficiency and needless waste, we here at Process Street have created these 8 free logistics management templates.

By running these checklists you can make sure that your entire supply chain is consistently up to safety and efficiency standards. This means fewer wasted resources and a tighter delivery loop for your customers.

Using these, any faults in your business logistics can be traced back to the checklist that was run, and the person who performed (or perhaps neglected) the process.

Whether you’re looking to ensure the condition and security of your vehicles, forklifts, and shipping containers, or you just want a documented method for fulfilling customer orders, this post has the perfect template for you to follow.




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